بازگشت به صفحه اول  



Open letter to the Director-General of the World Health Organization

Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus


Dear Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,

Honorable Director-General of the World Health Organization,


Your Excellency!

Thank you very much for your realistic concern about the rapid and widespread of Coronavirus in Iran. Your sympathy and sense of responsibility for the poor health and living conditions of Iranians is far greater than those of the current Iranian government.

You certainly know that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a totalitarian state. The real representatives of the nation have no role in the government and the lives and property of the Iranian nation are in constant danger due to the bloody dictatorship inside the country and creating tension abroad.


Iran is one of the countries with the highest prevalence of Coronavirus after China. Despite the spread of this deadly disease since late September 2019 in the religious city of Qom, the Iranian government has hesitated to give any information to the public in the first three days. Iranian government not only has refrained from taking any measures to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading, but also has encouraged people to participate in the anniversary of the revolution on February 11, 2020 as well as in the parliamentary elections on February 21, in order to reach his political goals and pretend to have the support of the people.

The Iranian government still conceals the true extent of the outbreak and other relevant information from the public. Doctors and reporters who are reporting just part of this tragedy are arrested and jailed. There are still no exact statistics on infected cases of Coronavirus and the mortality rate in Iran. According to The New York Times, “the secrecy and ambiguity of the spread of the Coronavirus in Iran is suspected to be far higher than the official announcement by the Iranian government”. Since Feb. 19 till Feb. 23. the official authorities reported 43 cases of infection with the Coronavirus, whereas according to research which is done by University of Toronto in Canada, this number is estimated as high as 18300.

So, the Iranian government has not only irresponsibly endangered the lives of many people and medical staff in hospitals, but also has put the people of the region and the entire world at greater risk of catching this dangerous virus. The Islamic Republic of Iran has in complete disregard for the lives of Iranian people even refused to accept the direct assistance of Iranian compatriots abroad or has rejected the humanitarian aid from some countries due to some ideological reasons. Due to the lack of government planning, the lack of necessary equipment and the readiness to deal with this epidemic virus, the Iranian people has every right to receive any assistance available.


Your Excellency!

Iran National Front Organizations Abroad is a political organization which is prohibited to engage in any public activities in Iran. By pursuing the path of Dr. Mossadegh, the founder of this organization, we continue to fights for freedom, democracy and the separation of religion and state.


Hereby, we sincerely thank you, the Director-General of the World Health Organization and someone who cares for fellow men, sending medical equipment, including Coronavirus detection kits, masks and respiratory devices to Iran. As an international authority, we expect you to urge the Iranian government to end its secrecy and provide accurate statistics on Coronavirus infections in order to prevent further deaths of innocent Iranians and reduce the risk to the international community and do not hinder the acceptance of foreign aid and direct assistance to fellow citizens and prevent further spread of the Coronavirus and save the lives of those infected.


It is natural that we Iranians abroad are ready to provide any direct assistance to our compatriots in Iran and actively support the rescue efforts of the World Health Organization in order to prevent the abuse of donations by government officials that are common in the Islamic Republic.


Hereby we call on other humanitarian organizations, such as Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontières), the International Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations, helping us to save the Iranian nation.


Iran National Front Organizations Abroad

March 3. 2020.






Executive Committee of the Iran National Front - Organizations Abroad

Kambiz Ghaemmagham, Bahman Mobasheri, Dr. Homayoun Mehmaneche


Contact Europe: Dr. Homayoun Mehmaneche, Tel.: 00498974029525, Germany

Contact Europe: Mr. Bahman Mobasheri, Tel.:       0049727292389, Germany

Contact USA:      Mr. Kambiz Ghaemmagham, Tel.: 0016264822213, CA, USA

E-mail Address: info@iranazad.info

Internet:               www.iranazad.info

Address:               Iran National Front – Organizations Abroad (INF-OA); P.O. Box 136, Audubon Station, New York City, N. Y. 10032, USA




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