بازگشت به صفحه اول  

Open Letter of the Iran National Front- Organizations Abroad


The President of the United States of America

The Honorable Donald Trump, President of the United States of America,

Your executive order on the entry ban of Iranian citizens to the U.S. has caused great sorrow and worry for the Iran National Front - Organizations Abroad. Therefore, we would like to call your attention to the following points:

1.     The regime ruling Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is not a democratic political system based on the democratic votes of the Iranian people, and its policies are not supported by the Iranian people;


2.     In the past 38 years, a large number of Iranian citizens have lost their lives, liberties, and properties in the opposition to Islamist rule in Iran and in the struggle for democracy, freedom, and human rights. For example, in 2009, many Iranians were killed or given long prison sentences for opposing the fraudulent election; and


3.     Your executive order does not create problems for the Islamic Republic regime because some of their officials as well as their agents and lobbyists are already living in the U.S. freely. Your executive order, on the contrary, targets refugees escaping the brutal Islamist regime, Iran’s best students, and the family members of Iranian-Americans wishing to visit their loved ones in the U.S.; such groups constitute bridges of friendship connecting the Iranian and American people.

The Iran National Front - Organizations Abroad again emphasizes its deep dissatisfaction with your executive order and asks that you rescind it. We would like to see policies that would target and limit the officials and lobbyists of the tyrannical Islamic Republic of Iran and their terrorist agents around the world.

With Respect,

Iran National Front - Organizations Abroad (INF-OA)

January 30, 2017

E-Mail Address: info@iranazad.info

Internet: www.iranazad.info

original text in Farsi

بازگشت به صفحه اول  

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