بازگشت به صفحه اول  

We Do Not Want Enriched Uranium, We want Iran!

“Until the time that we have freedom, democratic control, and transparency in Iran, even peaceful use of nuclear energy could lead to dangerous consequences including catastrophes for the health of the people. Only when democratic controls and freedom exist in Iran and dangers and advantages of nuclear energy have been made clear for the public, then the people could decide on this issue.” Declaration of the First Congress of the Iran National Front-Organizations Abroad, February 1-3, 2008.


The Honorable People of Iran,


The spread of sanctions to the Central Bank and the export of oil products, indicates that world powers are serious about targeting the economy. Not only the Islamic Republic has not been able to clear doubts and concerns of the world community on the Nuclear weapons dimensions of the nuclear program, but the IRI has pursued policies that increase such worries, which have created a standoff and the end result of which could bring conflict and war for our country.


The catastrophe is that it is not clear the advantages for our country’s national interest for having nuclear energy. For about three decades the ruling elite of the Islamic Republic have politicized “nuclear energy” not only in regards to the nuclear power plant but also in the cat and mouse game in regards to nuclear weapons in their own megalomania. The rulers of the Islamic Republic have not explained for the people what are the advantages and disadvantages for Iran of developing nuclear energy. They have not explained for the people what role nuclear weapons development could play for the defense of Iran. Rather, they keep beating the drums of “Nuclear energy is our definite right.” The regime’s policies are leading our country to economic collapse and even war and destruction.


Many have asked the question that why Iran, which possess large crude oil and natural gas reserves that it could exploit cheaply and easily, has devoted so much resources needs to develop nuclear energy, which is not economical given the huge costs Iran has encountered. The Iranian government has not been able to provide convincible answer for many domestic and international observers. Many international observers have come to believe that the real objective of the Islamic Republic is not to have nuclear energy, rather to have nuclear bombs in order to preserve their regime and be able to bully their neighbors.

The Islamic Republic has wasted astronomical resources for the “Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant”, and untold amounts for the uranium enrichment activities. The great costs associated with economic sanctions by themselves have greatly harmed Iran’s economic development. One could compare Iran with our neighbors who do not have oil to see how far behind Iran is in term of economic prosperity. If we take into account the costs of treasonous treaties that have been signed with Russia and China, one could see how this regime is leading Iran towards a catastrophe.


Our concerns are not limited only to the costs to the economy and the grave threats to the environment. The ramifications of the policies pursued by Khamenei and his cronies in stubbornly insisting in uranium enrichment, which have increased worries and enmity of other countries against Iran, are far graver than the financial losses.


The world community whose negotiations with the corrupt authorities who rule Iran have not born fruit is gradually reaching the conclusion that with the lack of success with sanctions and political isolation, it has no other choice but to resort to military option. The leaders of the Western countries ask themselves, which policy option is more dangerous for the West? They ask themselves is an Iran with nuclear weapons which would bring about a nuclear arms race in the region is safer or conducting a military attacks on the nuclear facilities in Iran is worthwhile? The Western countries are worried that if the Islamic Republic gains nuclear weapons, then there are other countries in the Middle East who would  consider “their own inalienable right” to also get nuclear weapons, which would lead to a situation that could easily get out of control in a sensitive region in the world which contains vast energy reserves.


The world asks us: Where do the Iranian people stand on this conflict, and what solutions do they propose to assuage the concerns and worries around the globe? How we, who have consistently condemned warmongers around the world and could, not provide any guarantees to the world that the use of nuclear energy in Iran will not lead to nuclear weapons program? Could we convince the world that this regime’s sole objective and purpose for the nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, a regime we know full well is a terribly tyrannical regime which has been lying to us for the past 33 years?


Dear compatriots,


We are of the opinion that using our rights could be best being achieved under freedom and democratic rule by the people. As long as the purpose of the uranium enrichment has not become clear for the people of Iran and the world and the Iranian people are not allowed to make their own decisions on this issue freely and the world community feels that it has to react against the regime’s ambitions, the continuation of the enrichment process only strengthens warmongers inside and outside Iran. When uranium enrichment leads to such a grave economic and political results and takes Iran to the brink of a catastrophic war, we should force Khamenei and his regime to stop their adventurism and constant crisis by halting the enrichment and stop taking Iran toward a catastrophe planned by international warmongers.


Executive Committee of the Iran National Front- Organizations Abroad

Kambiz Ghaemmagham, Bahman Mobasheri, Dr. Houmayun Mehmaneche

November 25, 2011

Contact Europe: Dr. Homayoun Mehmaneche, Tel.        00498974029525, Germany

Contact USA: Mr. Kambiz Ghaemmagham, Tel.             0019092716954  , CA, USA

E-Mail Address: info@iranazad.info

Internet: www.iranazad.info

Address: Iran National Front – Organizations Abroad (INF-OA); P.O. Box 136, Audubon Station, New York City, N. Y. 10032, USA

original text in Farsi

بازگشت به صفحه اول  

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